It was fun getting to work with Heidi again. However, she was done, and I had all but given up as the images I was getting were not making me happy. I started playing around with EPP (windlights) just to fill some time while I waited for her to finish, when I was able to make a few mods to an existing EPP and finally found the look I had been hoping to find. Thank you, Heidi, for letting me tag along for yet another fun photo project.
Bad Outtake1 Bad Outtake2
Grum’s Style
T-Shirt: Legal Insanity – Marco shirt
Jeans: Legal Insanity – Devin spruce blue denims
Mesh Head: .LeLUTKA. Skyler
Skin: GA.EG & Gaeline Creations – Head Skins – Hugo 2.1 – NST1 – Nude
Eye Tattoo: -The Silence- Black Cracks Eye
Heidi Volare Style:
Hair: Moon. Hair // Felt Emo Might Delete – New for Access (July)
Tattoo: DAPPA – Diana Tattoo.
Bodysuit: Nylon Outfitters (NO) Sparkle Bodysuit – Black- (BOM)
Corset: Violent Seduction – Adonis Corset – (Black) – New for Equal10 (July)
Stockings: [RiasArt]-tights high-without border
Boots: Violent Seduction – Elpis Boots – (Black)
Face Tattoo: [ LEPUNK ] Ayaka Face Tattoo
Eyebrows:Suicidal Unborn – Aneira Eyebrows –
Face Scars:WarPaint* – (im)Perfect – New for Anthem (July)
Lipstick: WarPaint* – Endless matte lipstick – New from Ritual
Eyeliner 1: TOP1SALON – BESTIE EYELINER (BOM) 16 Inner corner – New for Equal10 (July)
Eyeliner 2: TOP1SALON – BESTIE EYELINER (BOM) 18 – New for Equal10 (July)
Eye Liner 3: –Lepunk– Eyeliners II +LEL Evo/Evox+
Lip Piercing: PKC Rosery Bento Lip Piercing – Lelutka Avalon
Happy accident indeed! I might have stolen the EPP when you weren’t looking. 😉